Monday, October 31, 2016

Veterans Day Poem

Veterans are a key part of history because they experienced it all. All the deadly wars , battles , and missions that people had to be in and risk their lives and well being to protect their country from danger. Veterans are important to their country , they risk their lives and take time out of their lives to protect people they dont even know but they do it for their country. Veterans are supposed to get cared for like they did to our country during their war services

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st Quarter Reflections

The 1st quarter in the school year has just ended and there are many things I as a student can work on in ELA class. In these 10-12 weeks i've been in school I have already learned so much more about writing and reading. I have learned that the world has different styles of reading and writing , the 5w's   And many more things. I personally think my writing has improved way more than how I used to write. I used to write in sentences with 5 words in them and called it a sentence. I used to capitalize random words I still do that but not as much like how I did in the past.

My goals in ELA class is to learn how to use different words in the right ways. I really want to learn new writing techniques and how to make a proper speech for presentations in high school. These are skill I can use in the near future in school for presentations, projects etc. Knowing how to use bigger words, knowing different languages, how to talk properly, and how to punctuate sentences is important for school. It can help you in many different situations in school such as projects and assignments.

My blogs have been improving ever since August in many ways, such as the blogs having more detail and text evidence. Back in August my blogs were short, not very detailed, and didn't provide as  much text evidence like I do now. So overall a few months ago my blogs were very bold and not good but now my blogs have more of everything thanks to Mrs. Larson's teaching. It is important for people like myself to know how to write a blog because in the future we might have to do the same thing as we are doing right now.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Giver Assesment

I think the director changed the beginning of the movie because he wanted people to understand the difference between the 2. The movie started off by introducing their way of life and there rules and how they show the characters and they start building their way up to the conflict of the book. But in the book it starts off by talking about December which we learned in the book was the month of the ceremony and they. This compares to the movie because their talking about something that didn't get explained really well in the movie. The beginning of the book is diving straight into the story and important events in the book . But the movie builds up the conflict slowly

I think the director picking Brenton was a good and bad decision because he kinda seems like he would look like in real life.  But at the time of the movie he was 25 and The girl was 19 so I would've chosen a 14 or 15 year old so it can stay true to the book but it looked way better if  it was a bigger person because it would seem weird for a Teenager taking a baby to elsewhere it's just a little off. I imagined Jonas to be like a 16 year old kid with black hair and a average height and pretty skinny. The director was on point but the age wasn't right

To me the movie made my understanding better for many reasons. One of them is because I need to be showed something visually and most people like it better and prefer it when they get it showed to them because they don't have to picture it in their minds because it's already there.The book goes way more into detail but the movie uses some details to stay true to the book but they are very simple details like the setting , characters , conflict etc.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Giver Blog

Jonas is a dynamic character because he has changed in the book from the beginning. For example in the beginning of the book,  Jonas only cared for himself and not his “Family Unit” because nobody in the community had emotions and he hadn't been picked as the receiver yet so he had no idea what emotions were , he was like everybody else. When he got picked as receiver he had the chance to learn what emotions were. When Jonas got introduced to Gabriel , Jonas experienced love towards Gabriel and this shows that he has changed since the beginning of the book

The theme of The Givers Jonas cares more about Gabriel more than he cares for himself like at the end of the book Jonas said he loved someone beside himself and that someone was Gabriel. He could tell that Gabriel was gonna be the next receiver but he took Gab Ike with him to escape and to go elsewhere to make everybody understand what he knows because he wants people to know what he knows.
He wants them to understand the meaning of life and a quote he said was on page 105 and it says “it's just that…..without memories it's all meaningless”.
This is a very powerful quote because it's shows that when he received the memories his mindset changed a lot and that's why he is a dynamic character